Is your relationship on the brink?

discernment therapy

Choose the statement below that best describes your situation and find the information below that reflects your answer.

  • I’m done with this relationship; it’s too late now even if my partner were to make major changes

  • I have mixed feelings about the separation; sometimes I think it’s a good idea and sometimes I am not sure.

  • I would consider reconciling if my partner got serious about making major changes.

  • I don’t want this separation, and I would work hard to get us back together.

I’m done with this relationship.

If you are strongly leaning towards breaking-up, Irene can offer you two options. One is short-term Discernment Counseling to support you in taking a final look at your decision, and to support your partner(s) in understanding your decision. If you are certain you want to separate, Irene can offer you personal help and referrals to mediators and collaborative lawyers. Irene may assist you in navigating the best divorce possible with individual therapy, offering you a “family first” approach to the ups and downs of your separation process. Irene will ensure that, if you have children, you protect them. Irene can mitigate emotional overreactions and prevent spouses from further damaging one another.

I have mixed feelings.

If you are not yet ready to make a decision, you may want to sort through thoughts and feelings before sharing with your spouse. Irene can be a gentle yet challenging guide to help you see things more clearly. Irene believes that we often have more impact on those around us than we realize. Discernment Counseling is designed to offer clarity and confidence around your role in the relationship and the direction you may wish to go.
There are three paths as the outcome of this 1-5 session work.
Path 1: do not pursue separation nor relationship therapy.
Path 2: pursue separation or divorce.
Path 3: full out, six-month effort at relationship therapy with separation off the table.

I would consider reconciling.

Be sure you’ve watched the video below before reading this.
You are in a tough situation. Discernment Counseling can help you clarify what has to change if you are to stay in the relationship. Irene can support you in communicating your needs to your spouse in a non-antagonistic way. Irene will help you figure out how you’d like to change and understand your role in the current dysfunction to support a future healthy relationship. If you are low on hope or demoralized, Discernment Counseling is by far the best approach to gain clarity and confidence on how to move forward.

I don’t want this relationship to end.

Watch the video below first.
If your partner is throwing out the divorce word, you’re in the right place. If they are low on hope for the relationship and really not interested in relationship therapy, Discernment Counseling is likely the best path for you. Many times a leaning-out partner is pleased to find this type of service and will be open to attending one session. (We only commit to one session at a time. You then decide if you want to return). If your partner is uninterested in Discernment Counseling, then you still have a lot of work you can do individually to improve your marriage. Irene will be glad to walk with you through these terribly stressful times in the hope that we can get your relationship to a point where your partner is open to couples work.